Okay, here's something very exciting. Read this. Sunshine says that I can no longer whine about how nobody ever reads my blog. I have adopted the title of "Guardian Source." Well, not really, since this is only the associated blog of a Guardian writer. But whatever, it's well-written and has a top newspaper's logo right at the top. What I find funny about the whole thing is that during this time, back in August, I was combing the daily papers of two different countries trying to get interesting México-related news into this column. Apparently that even worked: people were actually interested. But I was entirely unaware that I'd made any splash, however small, at the Guardian Unlimited in a third country, with these comments, until today--over four month later. My friend Ellie called my attention to it this morning. Maybe I should Google my own name more often? Allow track backs? Set up a hit counter? Alas, intrepid I am not; nor overly vain, apparently. Other than this exciting revelation, today is a slow day. I am writing this in the kitchen office of Ellie and Dan's house, with their varied collection of cats occasionally milling around my ankles. Sunshine is off about town, probably visiting a number of thrift stores. I have the afternoon off to catch up on this, my email, and maybe finally get a little ahead in my book, listen to my music, and eat my leftover deli sandwich. Are these not interesting subjects to write about? I don’t know. I suspect that the Guardian will not bother lettings its readers know what I think about this. But after days and days of being social and having constant plans, it is nice to have nothing going, to sit back and relax with cats. [Cavin]