Friday, March 07, 2008


Sunshine gave an International Women's Day* presentation near the apartment this afternoon, and so was able to come home from work a little early, enabling her to spend a little exclusive family time with her mother. This mother-daughter thing resulted in the pair striking out for the nest of travel agencies crammed into the alleyways of the "Backpacker District" south of the New World Hotel. They were in search of something special to do this weekend. At the time they left the house, their plan was to buy us all tickets to the Mekong River Delta, including an overnight stay in Cần Thơ, a number of short river cruises, and guided romps through the early morning floating markets lining the myriad waterways of the famous effluvial delta. While this sounded like much fun, I was unsure it was a very good plan: it would take up a whole long weekend I'd imagined would be better devoted to further exploration of very own vast Hồ Chí Minh City, something I don't often get to do with guests. Plus, it was already too late, by late today, for us to properly guard against contracting malaria (not that this is a very large concern, considering the way we were planning to travel: by agency car, employing nice hotels, etc. Honestly, it's Dengue Fever that presents the more applicable danger. But I digress). We'll never know how that might have turned out, however, because the only available tours were on the wrong days. What Bet and Sunshine returned home with, a couple hours later, was a one-day trip to the Cao Đài Temple compound a hundred rounded kilometers north of us in the little town of Tây Ninh. Departure time: very early tomorrow morning and returning before dark. Stud* update in comments. [Cavin]

Then, a 1 sided conversation ensued...

To which Blogger Mr. Cavin added:

Saigon Stud Update update: Before Sunshine got home early today, Bet and I walked to the famous main post office east of Notre Dame Cathedral to mail off her postcards. On the way I found forty-three playing cards in a number of clumped groups. Since I am growing tired of long lists of game play, I am going to change the way I update here: I will post no more than one hand a day (with the date I found the particular cards in that hand). I will also not update for partial hands, waiting until there is a poker conclusion before bringing it up. That means for the next little while, or possibly forever, there will be game play in the comment section (here), like the following, every day; but no more long confusing lists of numbers and suits. Okay?

Saigon Stud Update: the first ten cards I picked up this afternoon comprise the twentieth Street Stud hand dealt across the felt table of the Saigon roadways since the beginning of November, bringing the total of cards picked up off the sidewalk, and played in this little game, to over two hundred. My hand consisted of the Ace diamonds, the Seven spades, the Four spades, the Nine diamonds, and the Eight hearts. Ace high nada. The House, on the other hand, picked up the Eight diamonds, the Jack hearts, the Queen diamonds, the Nine spades, and yet another Eight, this time in spades, beating me quite succinctly with a pair of hourglasses. This in inauspicious: the House's third winning hand--and its second in a row. Is my streak over?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 2:20:00 PM  

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