Monday, November 27, 2006


Hello there. Here is a small admin note. Do I know your email address? If I do, it's likely that you have mail waiting in your inbox right now. No? Then maybe you should send me your address. End admin note. We spent all day frantically doing the sorting and moving things that we got behind on during our recent vacation. Tension is in the air. We're walking around the whole house asking ourselves "does this item go to Vietnam, DC, or into storage for years?" We then have to answer that question. Then we have to make distinct piles of sorted stuff, often meaning we must go on to justify our decision-making to each other. This can be tricky if, say, she feels strongly that some item needs to go into storage, and I think we definitely need it Vietnam. The process is, of course, far worse if I can't figure out whether something should go to DC, and she is none too sure whether we should store it. One item we're sure about: a wicker jaguar bench with bronze eyeballs that we bought during a recent vacation. We had it professionally shipped to Monterrey, and those shippers custom built a form-fitting corrugated sarcophagus around it and fit it into a swank little crate. It looks like an ancient zoo animal. It goes to Vietnam before we set it free. Other decisions are more difficult and we really must get them all decided correctly--and, in any event, quickly. Originally, we had until tomorrow morning, but the move has been thankfully postponed while the employers sort through red tape. This is good because we are not ready yet. We are crossing our fingers about Tuesday, now: that we are ready, and that the red tape is, too. [Cavin]

Then, a 0 sided conversation ensued...

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