Thursday, September 07, 2006


In several statements beginning with his victor's speech yesterday, the newest head of Mexican government, Felipe Calderón, stressed the need to unify the politically-divided populous.* He has attempted to schedule talks with opposition protestors and said that he will be taking his time to carefully choose a cabinet representing all interests. Besides concern over the massive protest still vowing to cede from PRD México, Calderón has to deal with the fact that under a system with many parties and many candidates, he has nothing close to a majority of the population supporting him. In grizzlier news: a number of masked gunmen seized the Luz y Sombra strip club in Uruapan, Michoacán last night, fired their weapons into the air, and then proceeded to dump five human heads on he dance floor along with a note explaining the deaths as "divine justice."* These guys seem to be some kind of narcos, but latest reports indicate there has been no identification of the heads, nor has anyone found the remainder--the five bodies. We can really only speculate about the reasons behind the cryptic note. Michoacán has been a hotbed of narco violence of late. Michoacán is also the president-elect's home state, although I don't wish to intimate this brutal display has anything to do with him or his protestors. In our own home town last night, the head of the state investigation agency was killed** outside a museum, bringing the number of ranking law enforcement fatalities to two this year in San Pedro. Me? I am finally back on our own internet service for the first time since late Saturday night, and appreciating every minute of being able to sit in my own office to work, though I want to thank god for the internet loan last night. [Cavin]

Then, a 1 sided conversation ensued...

To which Blogger Mr. Cavin added:

I didn’t have room to mention this in the main post (I do try to keep it under three hundred words a night, if at all possible), but click here so you can see a picture of Sunshine hanging out with the governor of Nuevo Leon at a function yesterday afternoon.

Thursday, September 07, 2006 9:52:00 AM  

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