Friday, September 22, 2006


Speaking of the border, something needs to be done about narco-related violence along US slash México and Tony Garza, appointed ambassador to México, is just the person to talk about it. Honestly, if talking about it is the same as improving it, then things ought to start getting better any minute now: task forces are being created by both countries to really get to the bottom of what's happening.* In closed-door meetings (yesterday's in Laredo), top minds planned summits to hash out ideas. They agree: these things need to be discussed by top minds in meetings. I hope I sound mad. In the past, this has led to crackdowns and stationing federal troops in violent areas, providing a way for cartels to recruit out of trained government stock. In the past, this method has considerably bolstered the talent and technology being used by cartels to kill each other. Speaking of the border: other top minds, in Washington, have pretty much gotten together on an agreement to create real and "virtual" Berlin Walls around the US, starting with the Mexican border, in hopes of developing "operational control" there within two years.* Then all we'll have to really worry about is the security and management of all the billion-dollar corporations we've exported so we can pay employees less than they'd make if they were able to illegally work in our backyards. I hope I sound like a bleeding heart. Speaking of the border, Sunshine was there today. She took a visiting bigwig to Matamoros slash Brownsville to give a presentation on illegal narcotics culture. While she was there they crossed into the US, just to get gas, and the border enforcement officer screamed at them because they were on the phone inside their own car. Welcome to America, Americans. [Cavin]

Then, a 0 sided conversation ensued...

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