Friday, July 21, 2006


No host dinner tonight at Genoma for a DC career development bigwig. First, am I the only one in the world unfamiliar with the term "no host dinner," or is this one of those swank beltway neologisms the Starbucks crowd is inserting over the dubious-sounding "dutch"? No host dinner: you pay for what you eat. You know, like regular dinner, only mandatory. Second, Genoma is not my favorite restaurant. To be fair, I have finally discovered the thing that I consistently like on the Genoma menu, so the food is now reliable. But its sister place, the far superior restaurant Evolution--which used to serve the sushi cubes--closed down while I was in NC over Christmas (and January), and now eating at Genoma is a frustration of lost comparison. Still, the company is always good--Sunshine's coworkers, Olga--and tonight was mandatory but fun. The bigwig was not at all stuffy and dull. When Sunshine and I go out to eat by ourselves, especially lately, she tends to talk about beauty pageants while I listen and ask questions. Tonight, at a mandatory work dinner, she still talked about them and everyone listened. Looking around the table, most eyes were on Sunshine. Especially the bigwig, who also seems to harbor a healthy interest in the upcoming Miss Universe event (on Sunday, don't worry, I'll remind you again). So now I am back home stuffed with reliable green curry. I can't seem to stop tweaking this blog now that it is done: I added a New York times news feed to the sidebar of the Update Stuff main page. At least it only took about sixty seconds. Ain't technology grand? [Cavin]

Then, a 0 sided conversation ensued...

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